Unable to edit subtask titles in Project View that are formatted as "Abcdef (12345) [Abcd Efgh] : Lorem Ipsum"

Important note: To help us resolve your issue as quickly as possible, please ensure to fill out all the sections below. Do not share any private information such as email addresses or phone numbers - This is a public Forum!

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:

Steps to reproduce:
Create a ticket in a project.
Create multiple subtasks with the following format Abcdef (12345) [Abcd Efgh] : Lorem Ipsum
Try to assign that subtasks to someone.

Browser version:
Yes, using the browser version of Asana (version unknown) in Chrome.

What version of Asana are you using (Basic/Premium/Business/Enterprise)?

Hi @Damien_Silkensen and welcome to the forum,

Can you provide more detail - specifically, what is the behavior you’re expecting and what is the behavior you’re getting that differs from that (i.e. tell us the “Expected behavior” and the “Actual behavior”?

That will also help to clarify your post - your title says “unable to edit subtask titles” but your description says “try to assign that subtask to someone”. Those are two different issues.


Sorry about that,
I’m unable to assign the subtask to a person. It just doesn’t prompt the assignment dropdown.

Can we actually delete this thread? I want to create a new one because I accidentally titled it incorrectly

Nevermind, lets just roll with this thread :stuck_out_tongue:


The assign field doesn’t display a drop down when clicked.

This reproduces with the following subtask title

Buffet (5585006) [Context Export] : This can be placed before placing the floor.

If there is an extra space after Buffet the issue doesn’t happen.

Steps to reproduce:
Create a ticket in a project.
In the Project View select the ticket.
Create multiple subtasks with the following format
Abcdef (12345) [Abcd Efgh] : Lorem Ipsum
Try to assign that subtasks to someone.

Browser version:
Yes, using the browser version of Asana (version unknown) in Chrome.

What version of Asana are you using (Basic/Premium/Business/Enterprise)?

Also wanted to mention, opening the Chrome Developer Mode causes the issue to not to reproduce to see if there is a console error. :melting_face:

Hi @Damien_Silkensen, sorry to hear about this trouble. I could not replicate this behavior on my end. Can you confirm if the same happens in different browsers and/or in an incognito window?

I’ve confirmed this does not repro on

  • Safari

This still repros on

  • Chrome (Incognito)

I’ve also confirmed with other coworkers that use Chrome that this occurs.

FWIW I just tried this in Chrome and didn’t have any issue assigning the subtasks.

What happens exactly in your case? Does it not drop down any list of users at all when you click into the Assignee field? Or does it show a list but then doesn’t let you click on a list entry to select it? Or ??

Also, are you doing this in the list view itself or in the task detail pane?

Any chance you could capture a Loom or video illustrating the behavior?

I’m in the Project View, click the task, and the Task Panel appears on the right side.

I’m clicking the Assignee circle when there is no Assignee set.

This isn’t an issue if you are only viewing the task in it’s full view.

I’d like to post a video, but I don’t want to release any information on my Companies Project.

I also wanted to note, this isn’t a show stopper for me or my company.
It’s just a title format that I was hoping to utilize.

Hi @Damien_Silkensen, thank you for testing in other browsers. I’m still unable to replicate this on my end. I’d recommend filing a request with our Support team so you can share the video privately and they will have the tools to investigate this for you.

Thank you,
I filed a support ticket!

I’ll update the thread if it is resolved.

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Thank you! I’m closing the bug topic for now, but let us know if you need anything else.

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