Tracking stakeholder engagement across projects

My department works with a large number of stakeholders from across our university on many different projects. We have three verticals in our department that often work with the same stakeholders, but aren’t always aware if/when the other verticals are working with them.

I am trying to come up with a way to create a stakeholder register that lists all of the stakeholders we work with collectively and allows us to quickly view quickly which projects the stakeholders are engaged with across all of our team’s projects in all verticals. The stakeholders do not use Asana or interact with our projects.

Currently, I have set up a project that tracks our stakeholders by putting each person in as their own task. I then mulithome that ‘person’ task across whichever projects they are working on. It works, but is clunky. It’s not ideal to have people show up as tasks. There is also a limit to the number of projects you can multihome a task to. As a result, I sometimes have to create multiple tasks for the same stakeholder (not ideal).

I’d love to hear if anyone has a suggestion for how to track this. Thanks!

Hi Jennifer,
I would suggest that you consider using multi-homing for your stakeholder tracking project.
You can create a task for each stakeholder under the stakeholders’ project and then multihomed these tasks to the respective projects they are involved with. Although it may appear clunky initially by having people as tasks, multi-homing allows these tasks to be linked across multiple projects effectively.

Hi Fario. Thank you for your response.

That is our current process, and it works to a point. In reporting, we have to remember to exclude those tasks, which isn’t ideal. There is also the cap on how many projects a task can be multi-homed to, which we have run into a few times.

I was curious if anyone had an alternate solution or way of setting this up.

