Timeline bug - Adding empty days from template

Hmm, yes…I ran a quick test using a template, and I found some unexpected behavior that I consider buggy.

First, I created a project, then made it a template:

Second, I created a new project from the template, choosing a new start date, and not scheduling work on weekends:

That looks correct, as the actual amount of workdays is preserved, and weekends are treated as non-working days.

Third, I created another project from the original template, and had it start on Sept 10, a Friday:

I used a defined start date, only - no calculated end date:

The resulting schedule does NOT look right. Task 3 in the template includes 4 working days (2 before the weekend, 2 after), plus the 2 included weekend days…which should be ignored. Yet now I see Task 3 including SIX (not 4) working days PLUS a weekend! And a time crunch has been created. This is quite unexpected. Thoughts @Marie @Phil_Seeman @lpb ?

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