There’s any way to create a report to show me how much times a task was moved to a status to another?

Hi guys,

There’s any way to create a report to show me how much times a task was moved to a status to another? For instance:

Task1 move from in progress to code review, to code review to testing, to testing back to in progress, and so on?

Or any puggin that could help me with it? I tried a log of advanced tools in Asana but nothing seems to show any report like that. Also tried Bridge24, still nothing.

Could you provide me any ideas or advices?

Thank you so much.

Task1 move from in progress to code review, from code review to testing, from testing back to in progress, and so on?****

Welcome, @anon23237945,

Does @SamiLinnanvuo’s Screenful help?:


Hi guys,

Thank you so much for your help. It seems that your solution can help me in a “macro” way to see the project, but not if I want, for instance, to easely take a look in the task status log changes. Like, I simply want to know how much times my TEST team return the task to the DEV team, so I can help them to improve the code review and each kind of task this is happening with a higher frequency, you know?

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