The result is too large. You should use pagination (may require specifying a workspace)!

Hey man, yeah it definitely sounds that way. This was the reply that I got from Zapier:

Thanks for writing in, and I’m so sorry for the headache here!

We’ve seen that this issue can crop up for folks when there are too many tasks coming back from Asana, and the vast majority of them are completed, which is what’s making the payload too large.

It looks like this issue is related to how many total tasks you have (including completed tasks). Typically, we handle large numbers of tasks by filtering or pagination, but unfortunately, Asana’s API doesn’t offer much in the way of filtering and we don’t support the type of pagination that they offer. Because of this, the Zap will continue to fail and unfortunately, there’s not much we can do about it. I’m sorry for the bad news!

Our best recommendation is to move any completed tasks in that specific project to another project, if possible. That should keep the number of incomplete tasks low enough for the Zap to function properly. Would that work for you here?

I’m also going ahead and adding your email to a list of folks who are getting affected by this error, so that we can notify you once there are any improvements with this!

Do let me know if you run into further questions here.

So essentially, sounds like the Zapier/Asana integration is just outdated and they haven’t gotten enough requests with people annoyed to fix it yet.

Pretty frustrating because this would be a simple fix if we were using the direct Asana API. Also pretty sure that the Asana/Zapier integration is managed by Asana, and they don’t have much concern at all about updating Zapier.

Definitely a frustrating boat to be in as an end user.