Hi, Chiming in here that this feature will really help my organization. Our Tasks are cluttered up… Need this.
i would also love this feature, and know of several other organizations that would like this ability!
Seems to me that this forum topic is more about hiding custom fields that don’t belong to the project the task is being viewed, not actually preventing that custom field values from being seen or edited. Indeed, users have suggested here that any fields not included in the project the task is being viewed from should still be viewable with a “Show all fields” link or similar. I think this misses a more fundamental problem.
What is actually desperately needed is much better access permission controls on custom fields. At the moment there’s no way to easily define who can view or edit custom field values (not definitions), when you create or manage custom field.
I believe Asana recently added support to define which individual users can edit custom field definitions (not values), but this falls very short of the mark for many custom field access control use cases.
We need to be able to define access permissions like this:
- View custom field value
- Edit custom field value
- Edit custom field definition
And this should be optionally definable by one or more of the following:
- Individually designated users
- Users that are members of the project the field is attached to
- Users that have access to the task the field is attached to (e.g. a multi-homed task that lives in another project with different users, and is assigned to, or has collaborators on that task that aren’t in the project where the custom field has been added)
That last one is actually not the preferable behaviour for most of our use cases, but I could see it being useful if there was an option to enable it.