Templates from the Asana Template Gallery should populate in full

Hi folks and thank you so much for your patience here.

Just heard back from our development team, and I’m afraid this is not a bug, but actually an expected behaviour. Let me provide you with a little bit more context: we heard from users during testing that landing is a template with lots of dummy content was often annoying because they then had to go through and delete it all manually. In the new templates, we wanted to ensure to preserve the structure and some sample content, that’s why we made the decision of keeping only a few sample tasks from the original template.

With that said our team is very open to feedback and willing to iterate on this behaviour, so I’ve gone ahead and moved this thread to the #productfeedback category to allow you two and other members to vote for these Asana template to populate in full.

My sincere apologies for the inconvenience here; let me know if there is anything else I can help with!