Tasks With a Start Date and Due Date NEED to show up in Today's tasks under My Tasks For Every Day That Falls Within That Range

I don’t understand how anyone is meant to keep on track of tasks due within a date range if the task only shows up on the last day it is due under Today’s tasks in My Tasks. It’s completely counter productive and makes things go easily missed until the last minute when teammates then have to scramble to get it done. It should stay in front of people each day within the date range so they can stay on top of it and be reminded every day that they should be actively working on it.

For example. If I have a task with a Start Date of September 5th, 2024 and a Due Date of September 10th, 2024. Currently, the task will only show under Today’s tasks on September 10th, 2024. Instead, the task needs to show under Today’s tasks in My Tasks on September 5th, September 6th, September 7th, September 8th, September 9th, and September 10th.

The Calendar view is not the solution to this oversight. It does not function in the same capacity as My Tasks and is not an ordered list of daily tasks in the way My Tasks is. It is also not the preferred viewing method of every team member and there needs to be respect given to the fact that different team members function/work best in different ways.

This is an absolutely essential change that must be made for Asana to be an effect project management platform. Otherwise, these Start Date and Due Date fields are effectively useless.

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What are you setting Sort and Group to in your My Tasks view? It sounds like you’re not using Group: Sections > Custom order as many of us recommend (along with combined manual and rule-based triage).

My full recommendation is found here:



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I have read your article (thanks for sharing) and examined the Sort and Group filters, but I see no option to ensure that tasks are grouped/filtered by their Start Date rather than there Due Date. No matter what I choose, the task is grouped with the other tasks due on the Due Date. Would you be able to tell me exactly what needs to be done to make a task group based on its Start Date?

You can sort by Start date if you first set Group this way:

Then you can choose Start date here:




Thank you. This is a decent workaround. However now I find the problem is everything is sorted under one section. Whereas previously, they were sorted under sections titled Today, Tomorrow, Later This Week, etc. Is there a way to get those sections back or recreate them while still maintaining this group and sorting method?

I know I can create custom sections with rules. But is there anyway to create them so they account for the days of the week? So instead of just Today, Tomorrow, they know to sort Thursdays task into the section called Thursday, for example?