Tasks, comments being permanently removed by system

We have now had two users create tasks or comments that are not saving and were not deleted.

In one instance, while using the Inbox look, 4-6 comments were added on various tasks, none of which saved on those tasks once the user left Inbox. This was on Safari.

In another instance, a user went to a specific project and added a specific task. The next morning that task was no longer on that project and it had not been archived or deleted. It was simply gone. This was on Chrome. That task ended up costing us some money as we had to overnight a time-sensitive package…

Hi @Ira_Koplowitz and so sorry for the trouble and consequences you had to experience following this bug.

In order to investigate what happened, we would need to take a closer look at the history of these tasks. Unfortunately, this is not something we can resolve directly via the Forum since it requires access to private information, but our support team should be able to help with that. In order to speed up the investigations, I’d recommend sharing the following info with our support team:

  • URL of this thread
  • URL of the tasks where comments went missing (for the first instance)
  • URL of the project where a task was created and went missing (second instance), + the name of the task missing, or at least one or two keywords

Hope this helps!

How do I go about that? I didn’t find a direct link to contact support…

Hi @Ira_Koplowitz,

You can reach out to support following this path: https://forum.asana.com/t/how-do-i-contact-support/19057/7?u=marie

My apologies, I forgot to include this in my previous reply!