I’ve noticed that Tab+N in subtask lists sometimes creates a new section in the subtask list (desired result) and sometimes backs out of the task entirely and creates a new section title on the project board. It seems to depend on where your cursor is located within a string of text of the subtask title, either at the beginning or middle of the title. It will always create the desired result of a subtask section title if the entire subtask title is selected (Ctrl+A).
The issue did not seem consistent during a quick test recording. Sometimes it would create the desired result if the cursor was in the middle of the text string, and other times not.
Prior to our migration to Asana Enterprise (or the newest Asana), I don’t remember this ever being an issue. If I had my cursor blinking in a subtask title and hit Tab+N, a new subtask title would appear in the list. It’s very annoying to be tossed out of the subtask list I am working in, back to the project board where I now have to delete an unwanted section title!
Hi everyone, sorry for the delay. I’ve reached out to the Developers to check if this is a bug and will let you know once I have an update. Since this is not a critical bug, I’ll keep the thread here for now. Thanks for tagging us.
I get this error all the time, not every time but inevitably when I try to use sections within a task if I have more than one it’s always a guess of whether or not it will work and it’s so frustrating and take you out of flow when doing work in Asana. Can you make it a separate shortcut instead so we have no ambiguity or possibility for mistake, I can learn a different shortcut and memorize.
OP has not had this issue for about a month now. Not sure what is different for me at this time, but thought I’d mention. Fingers crossed for a quick fix!
Came here because I started to experience this issue - I use Tab + N in lists of subtasks to keep things organized and it stopped working entirely for me today. Hoping that it’s just a glitch and not a feature that’s going away!
Hope this gets fixed quickly. My team uses TAB+N to organize our subtasks and we currently are duplicating and migrating template so this function is much needed to keep things organized
Glad to know I wasn’t the only one experiencing this. I thought I was going mad with the TAB+N shortcut not working. I rely on subsections a lot as I phase my projects.
Hi everyone, apologies for the trouble. While this thread dates back to August and the original inconsistencies were flagged to our Developers, it looks like the recent reports from the past couple of days point to a new bug. Our Developers have already been informed and are currently working on a solution. I’ll keep you updated with more information or an ETA on the fix as soon as I have it!
EDIT: Since this is an older thread related to a different issue, and to keep all communications regarding the reported bug in one single thread, please follow this topic in our Critical Bugs category: Create a New Section in subtasks is not working. We’ll be posting updates there! Thank you.