I agree and think it’s more-or-less useless without this ability. I added a feature request for this: Allow to have different columns in a same project depending on which view (Board or List) you're looking at - #7 by OSTMOST
I totally agree with @Tim_Jasper.
We have several projects which we use as calendars with hundreds of tasks in each of them. Therefore we almost exclusively use the “sort by due date” option in combination with the list display to manage those projects. We then used sections as separators for each month to help us to scroll quickly to the good month when looking for a specific event.
But now, sections can’t have due date anymore… As a result, the “sort by due date” became less relevant as we can’t use sections as separators in combination with this option. We instead have a list of hundreds of tasks with a tiny due date displayed and at the very end of the list our sections under the label “no due date”… Now the only option left for us is to use tasks as separators by giving them special names, but they are a lot less impactful visually than the previous sections…
It would be fine if the list display was working like the new board display regarding sorting options (if I sort by due date in a board, it sorts tasks in each section independently which is logical), or if sections were still tasks as it made it possible to find some hacks.
But right now it feels like sections became quite useless in the list view as they become totally irrelevant as soon as you use a sorting option (which is mandatory when you have hundreds of tasks in a project).
In the end I feel like you mostly cared for board users with this update at the expense of list users .
This is great! Thank you.
Is there a way to switch “My Tasks” into a board view?
Not directly. You can create a new Project called Kelan Tasks, and add all items assigned to you to it. Then you can take advantage of board view, spreadsheet list view, custom fields etc. To make it easy to routinely add new tasks, you can create and save an Advanced Search “report” called “Add to Kelan Tasks”, with the definition of Incomplete tasks assigned to you that are not in Kelan Tasks.
Yes, this is an awkward workaround, but better than nothing IMO.
Does that require having premium?
Probably so if you do not see this capability in your own instance of Asana.
Now that switching from Board to List view (and vice versa) is live, it looks like the default organizing theme for Board is by Section in the List (or Timeline as well). For example we organize by Departments: Product, Engineering, Content Team, Administration. And its great to look at Board view by Department. But I would like to go a step further and do Board View for only one department such as Engineering and further organized on the Board by Status (e.g. working, hold, complete, etc.). Has anyone solved this?
The only way I see you accomplishing this is to create a custom field drop down that includes all your departments. Then you would add the appropriate custom field to each task. Then you would create a custom filter from the Department Custom field you just created.
thanks for this. sadly the solution is insufficient and would only allow 1d filtering “into a single field” (e.g. department, project status, etc) instead of multidimensional filtering “across more than one field.”
in the multi dimensional example:
- Assume the List and Timeline Sections are by Department
- Therefore switching to Board shows default layout by department (which is pretty good so far)
- But, what if the user wants to see all Engineering department projects, spread across a Board by Status (each column on the Board is a different Status)? there does not seem to be an automatic database-driven way of doing this, leaving the user only option to manually organize a Board with column headings and manual stacking of cards that have no “relation” to the underlying data
airtable solves this. i was hoping asana would have a solution.
Do you have an organization setup in Asana with Teams available?
i don’t think i understand your question. can you clarify?
If you have an organization-type Asana you can utilize the Team feature and organize each department as a team.
Hi everyone
I’m excited to announce that we’ve now migrated all projects to our new data model, allowing you to switch between Board and List on all your projects!
This is an incredible milestone for our team as this feature request was among the top 5 most upvoted items in the Forum! We hope you’re enjoying this new feature as much as we are.
Marking this thread resolved Happy monday!