Storage of recorded video on Vimeo

Hi, colleagues!
Could you pls explain me where recorded in Asana video are stored on Vimeo?
Asana suggested create and integrate my Vimeo account and I did it. Now I record video in Asana and can’t find it on Vimeo.
I found some additional info in the instruction about “organization’s Vimeo account” but can’t understant what does it mean. I created my personal Vimeo account with my personal corporate email - the same I use for Asana.

Thank you for help!

Under recordings. By default it probably asked if you wanted a folder Asana_Recordings

Hi! Thank you for your answer!
Actually I don’t have this section in Vimeo (screen is attached) and system didn’t ask me about Asana_Recordings folder.

when you started your first recording, it asked you to connect to your Vimeo, correct? And you did, yes?

Hey @anon2954830
I haven‘t been able to find the videos initially either.

Then I went to „home“ in vimeo and there was a dropdown option with my name and I was able to switch to my Asana organization name where I found all videos


Yes I did it) The answer of Andrea below helped me to solve the problem. Thank you for participation :owl:

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Andrea, thank you very much! :sunflower:

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