Sort your Board Projects Timeline by Column!

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a great start to your week!

Late last year we added sections on Timeline, and now your columns from your Board projects will appear on your Timeline, too :confetti_ball:

Sections and columns add a new level of categorization to your project plan, so you can make sure your team stays on track and never misses anything important!

If you prefer to view your Timeline without sections or columns, we’ve added the ability to sort by date as well, which allows you to further customize your Timeline view.

We are currently working on updating our Guide article on Sections and Timeline, so stay tuned for screenshots!

As usual, we are rolling out this new features gradually over the next couple of days, so if this feature is not available to you just yet, please don’t worry, it will be very soon!

And of course, if you have any comments or questions, feel free to post them in the comments below! Thanks :sparkles:


I do not seem to be able to create a task with a template on the iphone app only on the deaktop site? This is very inconvenient

Hey @Chris19, I am sorry for any hassle caused here.

I am afraid that it would not currently be possible to create a Template on the iPhone app. I would recommend creating a thread in the #productfeedback category with your suggestion, this would allow other Forum members to vote for it!

Quick update: This feature has now been fully rolled out! :tada: