📣 Six live training topics available in Asia-Pacific (APAC) friendly time zones

Hello everyone,

I’m Irwan Tanuwijaya, part of the Customer Education team at Asana.

We would love to share Asana’s six live training sessions tailored to APAC-friendly time zones, (1 pm Singapore Time/ 3 pm Sydney Time). Join our live training to experience live demos and Q&A sessions about Asana.

You can find detailed information on these sessions in our Live Training One-Pager.

:one: Getting Started with Asana - 60 minutes, offered weekly

  • Learn the best practices for creating new tasks and projects and managing your My Tasks and Asana Inbox effectively.

:two: Personal Productivity - 60 minutes, offered weekly

  • Discover how to integrate productivity methods into Asana to prioritize your to-dos. We’ll cover features like sections and rules.

:three: [New] Creating Basic Workflows - 60 minutes, offered fortnightly/biweekly

  • Explore the three most common project types and learn best practices for structuring each type. Features covered include timeline view, dependencies, and task and project templates.

:four: Building Cross-Functional Workflows - 60 minutes, offered fortnightly/biweekly

  • Dive into Asana’s advanced functionality, including standardizing intakes with forms, automating work with rules, and streamlining feedback cycles with proofing & approval.

:five: Gaining Insights with Reporting - 60 minutes, offered monthly

  • Discover how to track multiple initiatives with portfolios, manage team bandwidth with workload, and gain org-wide insights with universal reporting - all within Asana.

:six: [New] Roll Out Asana to Your Team - 60 minutes, offered monthly

  • Learn The Asana Way of Change: Six steps to help teams roll out Asana at an organizational level. If you’re spearheading the implementation of Asana in your team or company, this training is for you.

:tada: Don’t miss out on these invaluable opportunities to enhance your Asana skills and boost your team’s productivity. Register now and take the first step towards mastering Asana!

We look forward to seeing you there.

Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 10.50.24 AM


A great series of topics!!

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