Show Project Name with Tasks on Calendar in My Tasks

In the Calendar view in My Tasks, it would be really helpful to list the project name along with the name of the task. Our tasks frequently have the same or similar names in all of our projects, so it’s really hard to tell what project a task is associated with.

Using highlight colors helps, but if any projects use the same colors, it no longer helps.

Having to click on the task and then hover over the project name (because the name is always truncated with an ellipsis) is pretty clunky.


+1 for this, I have been adding a shortened project title to each of my tasks, but then it looks redundant in the individual project view.

Would be great to get a programatic fix


Strongly agree! Colored tags don’t provide nearly the clarity I need to track my tasks. Project labels - and what I would recommend is adding a field to projects to capture a short name or label for the project - would be much better.


Agreed here. There also aren’t enough colors and once you have multiple tags applied, the calendar view becomes totally random.


+1 Agree. I am looking forward to this change

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Yes please!!


I’d love this :slight_smile:

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I’d be very interested in this too. One of the main reasons were investigating using Asana for project management is to demonstrate to other departments where we are in regards to the projects that they’ve tasked us with.

It’s too cumbersome to have every task list both the name of the project and the name of the task. Particularly as there are many tasks in every project, all generated from the same template.


I’d like this too, was there ever a response or resolution?

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Another +1 for this. I’m partially color-blind so being able to put colors on the items doesn’t help me much.

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It would be very helpful if we could see the name of the project along with the name of the task. Tasks frequently have the same name.


@Marieke_Debels If you give the projects their own colour the tasks will show up in that colour. Or you could try adding a tag with a project name - again - give it a colour to make it stand out. If you hover over ia tag you can see the tag name - makes it easy to spot what belongs with each project :slight_smile:


@Ruth_Newnham @Marieke_Debels My Asana calendar syncs to my Google Calendar–the colors don’t help in that case. Furthermore, I use Asana primarily for Project Management, not Task Management. We have scores of tasks with the same name (because we use Project Templates). It would be very helpful to get the Project Name in the calendar entry.


It would be extremely beneficial to view the Project Name and the Task in the same container on the Calendar. (I’ve attached a suggested layout change.) We have multiple projects with the same Tasks so without the project name the calendar view is useless. It is too cumbersome to click through every task to see the associated Project. Also the assignee is not as important as, say a “Progress” custom field so I’ve rearranged the two.


I use the Team Calendar for daily and weekly view of tasks but in order to see the Project that each task is associated with, you need to click to open the individual task cards. It would be nice to see a small folder tab on top of each task within the Calendar view, displaying the Project name. Alternatively, a mouse-over feature would work well, where Project name and additional details pop-up. Finally, a color-coding feature would add a helpful visual element to the Team Calendar and if you could then group Projects by color and filter / sort them, that would make the Team Calendar a real asset to productivity. Thanks for your time! ~matt

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I like your idea about adding a small tab on top of a task in Team Calendar view so it’s easier to see what project it’s a part of! Or the mouse over feature too.
There is one feature you mentioned that does exist. On the left side bar, if you click the three dots next to a project, you can set the highlight color. That highlight color should appear on all tasks for that project in the Team Calendar. Another color filtering tool would be to add tags to projects. Hope this helps!

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I agree. A calendar that shows a projects a team member was working on rather than task. Then you could toggle between the two if needed. I also like the idea of grouping them by color. Good idea Matt.

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This is something really missing for us too. Can we get this turned on as standard? We will have hundreds of projects from template with the same task being scheduled and without seeing the project name in the calendar the whole beauty of asana is gone and we need to seek an alternative solution. …


A post was merged into an existing topic: Project Names and subtasks in calendar view

project name in calendar is a must.