Send notification to Admins when new user is added

We are currently using a divisional business license. I have some questions about adding users.

→ How does an admin know when a new user is added? Is there a way for admins to be notified?
→ Is there a Product Feedback thread that already exists around requesting that admins only can add users toward the seat count?

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Good question @AshleyWright, Admins can access the Divisional Admin Console to manage members and monitor if there are new members. We currently don’t have an option to notify Admins when a new user is added.

I have gone ahead and moved this thread to the Product Feedback category to allow other users to upvote. I’ve also slightly update the title to make it more discoverable. I hope you don’t mind!

Thanks for sharing this feedback and let me know if you have follow up questions.

What is being done about this? For us small companies, any new user is an unbudgeted hit. It does not bode well for our Asana longevity. I did upvote it but it only has 7 which seems meager.

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Did anything ever happen with this? I’d love to be able to have this notification.

Is there a way to restrict users other than the admin from adding new users?

Agreed with the above - allowing users to add other users is a recipe for disaster with a limited number of licenses. Asana has the ability to lock guest access down to admins, so why not member access?

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Hi! Did anyone found a solution to this
“How does an admin know when a new user is added? Is there a way for admins to be notified?”
Thank you

Hi everyone, thank you for all your feedback. :slight_smile:

We recently launched a new feature called “Team Admin Role”. Announcement is here → Coming soon - Team Admins

If you use Enterprise plan, team admin have

  • Ability to restrict Team Members from inviting members to the team
  • Ability to restrict Team Members from inviting guests to the team

Please check our guide article to learn more about the team admin role. I hope this helps!

Any updates here for non Enterprise accounts?