Security review questions for Microsoft Teams - Asana integration

We need to provide responses to the question below to the security review board to enable the Asana add-on in Microsoft Teams. Before contacting support I wanted to try my luck in the forum. I would appreciate any help.

  1. Does the Asana Plug-in/Add-in collect data from multiple users within the host application Microsoft Teams?
  2. Where is the Asana Plug-in/Add-in is specifically hosted (e.g. Asana hosted servers, inside the O365 environment, etc.)?
  3. Which specific permissions does the Asana application needs in the Teams environment (e.g. read/write, access to specific services, etc.)?

Hi @Petek_Ozgul, welcome to the Asana Community Forum! I recommend you forwarding these questions to our support team so our security experts can give you all the answers :slight_smile: You can contact them following the steps in this article: How to contact our Support Team ✉.

When you contact them, you can send them the URL of this thread so you don’t need to re-write everything.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

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