Secrets of successful teams in Asana

Hi community,

I wanted to take a moment to thank @Julien_RENAUD @lpb @paulminors @Bryan_TeamKickstart @Paul_Grobler and @Tiana_Vallan for their help putting together my latest ebook “Secrets of successful teams in Asana”!

The book has been mostly written inside Asana, with a dedicated project and one task per chapter. I am explaining what was the process behind writing the book in a recent video

I am working on a new book project with another Asana Together member (he can reveal himself in the comments if he wants to) and have another one in my head (it would be a compilation of dozens of experts tips).

Thank you to the entire community for your energy, hope that book helps!
Take care.


Its an honor to be part of this! Think it’s a great reference book for any team and also helpful for individuals.


Congratulations, @Bastien_Siebman and the other contributors!

I’m proud to have contributed a substantial chapter to this ebook that is overflowing with great tips and best practices for Asana teams of all types and sizes, new or old.


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Congratulations Bastien. It was great to be able to contribute!

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Great result thanks to the collaboration of 7 Asana experts around the world who share their secrets to use Asana in the best possible way as a team :+1:

Bravo @Bastien_Siebman for this initiative, which I am delighted to have been part of.

And also pleased to already be collaborating with you on this new book project :wink:


And here’s a free chapter from the book!

I hope it’s helpful,



What a team :heart_eyes: Congrats to you all guys :clap:t3:


This is great @Bastien_Siebman ! :raised_hands:t5: Congratulations the entire team!


Hey @lpb, I was explaining hierarchy balance in an Asana setup to a client this week and realized that when I originally read your section on “Architecting Anything New in Asana: Step by Step” it had a big impact on me being able to clearly explain this to clients. I’m sending them to link to the book but wanted to give you credit where credit is due! :clap:


That’s so nice of you to write, @Peta_Williams–thank you! It’s especially meaningful to get such comments from one’s peers.

I just offered the chapter today to a new client as well. It’s been a useful tool to get a number of concepts across. I think I better re-read it myself right now!

Thanks again,


I’ll re-read as well I think!

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And the rest of your fine book!