Searching for a deleted task is an odd experience

Hi @Kevin_Hannan, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:t2:

Thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback!

Regarding your first point on deleted tasks showing in search results, I recommend you create a post in the #productfeedback category! This will give other Community members the opportunity to upvote your request if they agree! :+1:t2:

On to your third point! There could be two reasons why deleted tasks are not showing in your search results:

Does this sound like it may be the case?

And finally, I would suggest reaching out to our Support Team regarding the “1 results” shown as they will be able to look into this further with tools we do not have access to on the Community Team.

You can provide them with the below:

  1. The link to this thread
    2.The search query you used

I hope this helps! :slight_smile: