Reverse the order of comments

Hi Vinay,
We’re not able to provide a specific timeline. However, if you’re interested in how we gather your feedback and build our product roadmap, take a look at this post: **Read me first** How you can give feedback and what we do next

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I really would like to be able to have the newest comments show up first – we are having a hard time scrolling down to older comments.


+1 for being able to sort by newest → oldest as well


Dear Asana-Team, please merge this feedback with Reverse the order of comments and sum up the votes! Thank you!


What do we as users have to do so that setting the order of the comments finally has priority?
Many who come from Trello are particularly dissatisfied with this point.

Hi there still need ability to sort comments by date ( most recent comments on top )

And the ability to custom collapse comments, as we use most task as ongoing.

Re: Still need comments feed functions: Re-order and custom collapse

Thx. Ny

Hi there

Waiting for ability to custom collapse comments, as we use most task as ongoing.

Thx ny

Re: Still need comments feed functions: Re-order and custom collapse

Thanks for your feedback, @nyprosell! We already have a thread on this topic so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with Ability to change comment sort order to centralize feedback!

Hello Emily & Asana - Having a “thread” on a topic since 2017 is not the same as responding to your customers with answers on how the suggestion/complaint is being remedied or addressed. Please let us know if (and when) the ability to choose to see comments in reverse order (newest first) is something being worked on. Is it or will it ever become a feature? Thank you in advance for your time and response. Would like to see more community comments that let us know Asana’s progress of topics in threads so customers feel heard and see that Asana is working on it. Thanks again for any insight you can provide.

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I would like to second Lisa’s comments this is logical to have most recent comments at the top so you are not scrolling for something you wrote yesterday. I would also like to see more communication from the team on these suggestions. Does Asana have a roadmap they can share if they are not going to keep up with the community comments?

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i know there is an option to pin a comment to the top - but is it really still not possible to sort comments newest - oldest? Having to always scroll to the bottom or manually pin each recent comment to the top basically makes comments obsolete since. Seems like a super basic function and i see that it’s been requested for years.

You said “I see it has been requested” so why post your own thread then? :person_shrugging:

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Hi @anon67120491, while this feature isn’t available at this time, hopefully it’s something our Product team can implement in the future

We do have an existing thread for this feature request in the #productfeedback category so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing one to consolidate feedback.

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if I have any updates :slight_smile:

Because the thread had been closed and I could not find one that had been more recent. Thanks for the feedback, extremely helpful.


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Thank you so much - I did try and find one that was open but couldn’t :slight_smile: Thank you for your help!

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Hi Rebecca, can you let me know where this stands? It is such an important feature - and in strong demand by this community. Thank you!


I agree with @anon52695274, would love to see this implemented.

I’m hoping the code flexible enough that it the impact/effort ratio is quite good for this feature.

Surely a feature this requested this many times and so heavily voted would have been implemented in the 5 years it’s been up here, right? Nope. Apparently not.

Why isn’t there the option to sort comments newest to oldest, and better yet, have the ability to set this to the default? Is there any update on when this feature will be implemented? Any roadmaps with these plans? You just keep repeating over and over again “hopefully our product team can implement this in the future” but is that your way of saying “this won’t happen”? If it won’t happen, can your company make that clear? Why is this being continually just shoved to the side?

Right now when you look in a (sub)task you see the oldest and the least relevant comments/questions/updates at the top. It would be much better if you see the most recent and therefor most relevant update at the top. Like Trello does: new on top, old at the bottom.


I’ve merged your request with a popular thread that’s already existing; anyone can vote at the top of this thread now.

