Hi Asana Community! My marketing agency is all-in with Asana and even uses it with clients now. Three clients have asked us how to run reports simply for “Overdue” tasks - managers want to know what their team members are behind on. They don’t care to see what’s due today - just everything that, as of the moment they run the report, is overdue. I can’t seem to figure out how to set this up within the Search parameters offered! Any advice is greatly appreciated.
My first instinct was to try to use negative value inside the search but it does not work… I really don’t find any way to do this
My recommendation would be to run an Advanced Search for “Incomplete” Tasks, due in the “Next 0 days” and then sort by Due Date. This report will show tasks due today as well, but when you sort by due date, it will show in chronological order with today’s tasks at the bottom. You can also view the results in a calendar view to look at the tasks in the past few weeks on the days they were due.
The other option would be to use the due date option for “Between” and select the calendar dates for the past 1-2 weeks/months to find items past due for the past month or so. This however would require you to adjust the due dates when you want to re-run the report.
Do you think either of these options could work for your team and clients?
Thanks so much @Kaitie and @Bastien_SIebman - Both good ideas, and things we had thought of…nothing seems to be a perfect fit. Seems like we’re going to have to run a report that does include “due today,” and just ignore those…
This seems like a super basic report - I’m surprised it doesn’t exist! Wouldn’t almost any manager of direct reports and numerous projects want to run a report, say, at the end of a week, just to see what’s overdue?
I’m struggling with this as well. With all the powerful search/filter capabilities in Asana, it really is an oversight that there is no way to restrict a search to JUST overdue items. Asana, please ADD this capability.
Agreed, this is an oversight from a Traffic Manager point of view.
Yeah this really bothers my team they should add a “pending . overdue tasks list” and it should include how many days past due the tasks are.
@Kaitie are you able to enter the numeal “0” in the Due date? Asana is not allowing me to enter this numeral – any other numeral/number is fine.
@Andrew_Gross, Kaitie isn’t here anymore, but I confirm that I can’t enter 0 there either.
how can i see a list of tasks that were late delivered? I don’t want to view tasks that are overdue as such.
I don’t think that is possible…
If you add all your projects to a Portfolio view, you will be shown a message “There are X overdue tasks” at the project-level. It requires clicking a bunch to see which ones, but it’s somewhat of a workaround.
Seems like a very simple implementation to just include it as a report filter though, and I can’t think of a reason why Asana has not added this yet.
I was looking for the same feature today. I’m puzzled as to why this does not exist.
I found a solution what might help. I don’t know if it was posted anywhere else, So I’m gonna post it here.
I crearted a Dashboard for overdue incomplete tasks within the last 1000 month (if it wasn’t solved in that time period, it’s not THAT important)
Here are the filters set. I set the chart for showing the overdue tasks by projects within a Team.
How do I run a report with overdue tasks?
Note: Not a solution but marked as such to elevate a key reply
Welcome, @Laurie_Kenyon,
Did you check the dozen or so posts in this thread, several of which offer workarounds?
For this one:
You can click on any of those bars to see the search results list of tasks that make up that bar.
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