Repeating Tasks & Calendar View

First of all, I’m loving Asana so far. Though my team consists of just me at this point, it’s been very helpful, and when I start to bring on more team members in the future, I’m sure Asana will be all that much more useful.

That being said, I have come across one thing that I thought would be useful. I occasionally look at the calendar view to see what I have going on the following days through the week to make sure I’m spacing out my tasks in a manageable way, but sometimes I forget to account for repeating tasks. This isn’t really an issue as I know I should just be better at remembering which tasks are repeating, but I did think it would be incredibly useful for repeating tasks to be displayed each day they’re set to repeat in the calendar view rather then just appearing once they’ve been checked off the current day.

Thanks, and keep up the good work! This tool has changed my life for the positive.


Hello :wave:

It is actually a known limitation, you can find the existing thread using the search engine on the forum.

(moderators could probably merge them!)

Thanks @Bastien_Siebman :+1:t3:and welcome @Johnathon_Zimmerman :slight_smile:

Johnathon, since we already have a thread open, I would recommend adding your vote at the top of these existing threads. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!

Hi there, any news about these case? We would like to plan and see future repeating events that are shown in the calendar directly. (Not only after the event has passed in the current week.)

Thanks Daniel


Hi @Daniel_Angermann, thanks for reaching out!

We have recently sent an update in the main thread (Visibility of all Recurring tasks in calendar view):

We don’t have immediate plans for this feature but as soon as we have more information we’ll send updates in the main thread.

I hope this helps!

Any updates on this? It’s been 9 months since the update above and nearly three years since the thread was created with everyone asking for it :slight_smile: I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this feature! So hard to plan when you can’t see what’s on the calendar :frowning:


My solution to this was to build a tool that creates a “real” recurring task

Are you able to share how to do this with your tool outside of granting access to our work/asana? I am researching if this is possible and do not have the ability to grant such access.

The only solution would be to have my tool/my code hosted on your own server, basically granting access to yourself. Reach out to to discuss details.

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