This feature appears to have either been quietly updated at some point, or not very obvious (or both!). But the ability to specify more custom date recurrences does exist!
Select the recurrence icon, then select the Repeats drop-down menu. The repeat frequency apparently dictates which customization options are shown. “Daily” and “Yearly” don’t have any modifiers; the rest are shown below:
Thanks @Adam_Caruso but this isn’t what we were looking for. We want to set something up to repeat on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, or the 3rd Friday of the month. These options (while great!) don’t provide that as far as I can tell.
Upvoting this! Just had a team member ask me how to set a recurring task on every 3rd Tuesday of the month. This would be a super helpful feature to have!
Here I am looking for a pretty basic feature that, evidently, has already been requested hundreds of times over half a decade. Shall I also shout my request into the void?
I just suggested that our team look into using Asana and I started building a sample for us to review. And it’s kind of shocking that this isn’t available!
Almost all of our tasks are based on business days, not day of the month. I’m not sure I can even present this as an option without this basic functionality.
Currently evaluating project management tools for my team. Can someone please recommend a tool with this feature? We won’t be using Asana since it doesn’t have this feature.
Since there is an existing feedback request thread for this topic I have merged your post into that. Don’t forget to leave your vote at the top of the thread.
Please build this. Would be a great feature. Can we see somewhere for when this is on the product roadmap? I see it is created Aug 2017 and still has not launched.
New-ish user, this function is pretty essential to how I schedule some of my tasks. I’m honestly shocked that this post is 5+ years old. Really disappointed this hasn’t been fixed.