We have a few Project Templates we use for manufacturing jobs (cabinetry). Think of a “Project” a whole house of cabinets and we’re going to design, manufacture, and install them all based off of Asana tasks.
Task Name:
One that we struggle to get automated is finding a way to get the jobs name to auto-populate in the name of at least some of the tasks. The Project will be named after the job. So, a good project name would be “Munster_1313Mockingbird Lane”.
We really need certain tasks (which are in the Project Template) to automatically pull in the name of the Project. But I’m open to similar automated workarounds.
Due Date:
There are some other tasks where we would like the due date to span a certain number of days. We know how to set a relative due dates, so we can get the start date right.
Think about cabinet installation. We have a task in the template that says “Install Days”.
There is a custom field in the Project’s information section that is “Cabinet Number”. A job that only has 10 cabinets is a 1 day install. One that has 11-20 cabinets is a 2-day install. 21-30 is a 3-day install, and so forth.
We would like to find a way of automating the duration of that task based on the Cabinet Number field in the Project’s information.
Are there any ways to do this?