Project name not appearing on subtasks

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
Project name does not appear on sub-tasks

Steps to reproduce:
Create task - Create subtask - Assign subtask to me - Look in My Tasks (no project name will appear)

Browser version:

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Hi @Adora_Lo, welcome to the Asana Community Forum! This is currently working as expected and it’s not a bug. Subtasks don’t inherit the project of their parent tasks. You would need to manually add the subtasks to the project following these steps: How to Use Asana subtasks | Product guide • Asana Product Guide

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the answer! Is there a reason why the subtask was programmed to not inherit the project that the original task was attached to? Seems like an oversight to me, but maybe there are other use cases that I’m not aware of.

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I’m really confused as to why such a cumbersome and potentially confusing work-around is considered a feature. When looking at “My Tasks” - subtasks do not show the proejct name unless you essentially create a copy of the subtask (now the same task shows up two times in the project task list)? How can this be by design? I dont understand what use case this could possibly be designed for - why would you want a subtask of a parent task (included inside of a project) to be orphaned in the system on views where you want to see what work you’ve been assigned to do? This makes no sense, can you please explain?

Can we issue a feature request?
The request would be for the project name to be inherited on sub-tasks so that when assigning work, team members can see which project the task is assigned to them for when looking at aggregate task views.

Thank you!


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