Project Information

I would like to see more information about the project. Fields like Client Name, and Project Number (which is really important) would be a great supplement to the description. Right now, we attempt to put all of this in the single field provided. Having the client name could allow us to create Portfolios for clients that we have multiple project with vs. adding each project 1 by 1. And on the topic of portfolios, being able to multi-select project would be nice.

Hi @Shawn_Cox, welcome to the forum and thanks for writing in!

You can certainly create a Portfolio and add a “Client same” or “Project Number” custom fields:

Those fields will be also available at a project level and you’ll see them in your Progress tab.

Thanks for sharing your feedback with us. Let me know if you have any questions!

@Emily_Roman Thanks for the information. I would like the fields to appear on the “Project Details” page so that the Project has a unique number and be associated with a client. Is there a way to add these fields there? When i add them the way you are suggesting, every time a user enters a task, he or she would need to provide this information. I would want the task to inherit this from the project details.