Project custom fields now missing in overview

Since the update to the overview section on projects, all of my projects custom fields are missing. They are still there in the portfolio view however we didn’t have all fields visible in the portfolio.

How do we access them again from the project view?.


Hi @Jenny_Hickman, welcome to the Asana Community Forum! I see what you mean, Portfolio custom fields are currently not visible in the Overview tab. I’ve created a task for our product team to confirm whether this is working as expected or not and I’ll keep you posted. Thanks!

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@Jenny_Hickman and @Emily_Roman,

According to Create a Project Overview to Showcase your Asana Project • Asana Product Guide they’ll be in Project Details:


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Oh you are right! Thanks @lpb!

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That’s great that they haven’t completely disappeared but is there any way to request that they go back into the ‘overview’ section as these fields are very important to projects and need to be updated frequently!

Thanks all.