Private task with shared project - workaround

I work with clients and have a huge number of tasks that need to be done with each project, but shouldn’t be visible to them. Since you can’t have private tasks in a shared project, I was making two separate projects within a team but it was so clunky and confusing when I was working quickly. Finally figured out a workaround (with a paid account): house the client tasks in two projects – the one visible to them and the private “backend” project. Now I can just work out of the backend projects and keep those in my favorites list. The client sees everything I’m doing on their project, but can’t see that it’s in two places. Hallelujah!! Had to share in case anyone else is going nuts trying to figure this out!!


Great thinking @Allison_Davis!

We too have found that multi-homing the Tasks in your Private project (to then appear in a Public Project that you can then share with your client) is great way to share what you wish, without pulling back the curtain entirely on your internal operations.

Thanks for sharing this tip Allison!


Thanks for sharing this great tip with the Community Forum @Allison_Davis :wink: I’m marking the post resolved to indicate you provided a solution to this problem!

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