Portfolios in team


This may be an idea that is already out there (or something that is possible and I haven’t worked out how to do it yet), but my team and I think it would be great if we could have a Portfolio within the team.

Currently we create portfolios and then have to share to each individual in the team, but having the view attached to the team would be fab!.


I believe you can now invite Teams on a goal, so I can only guess inviting a team onto a portfolio would be next. Not sure about seeing the portfolio on the team page though.

I just think it would be great to have them show here -

Understood. The interface is changing, I have access to the new design (in Alpha) so maybe this is something they can integrate down the road in this new design. But first they would need to decide whether or not it makes sense to attach a portfolio to a team.

got it - well My team and I think it makes sense as we may have a team with multiple portfolios of projects and we then end up having the same individuals in each portfolio, and within each team…


Adding a portfolio view/option on the Team Overview Page would be highly beneficial.


Thanks @anon92740141 - please make sure to vote for the feature above!

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@Bastien_Siebman , Any update on this?

@anon34450697 we haven’t heard of anything. Portfolios and Teams are not really connected concepts, so I am not sure if that would ever happen.

Yes, this is definitely something that I was shocked to see isn’t supported. Adding a Team to a Portfolio (instead of each individual member of a Team) should be a standard feature. Was surprised to see that you can’t do that.


+1! Portfolios are great to see overall progress and status, but when the same members are in a portfolio as a team, it seems redundant to have to add everyone to the portfolio

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@Marie do you know of anything upcoming like this??

Hi All,

Providing your portfolios are set to public, in your teams ‘about us’ description you can add the link to the team portfolios and then people can access.

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That’s a actually a good workaround that I hadn’t thought of.
We don’t want the portfolio to be public, but we can still put the link there and they can request access.

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Hi @Becky_Manson, I don’t think this is on our roadmap, but I’ve escalated a task for our team to consider it for future updates!



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Hi! Any update on this? Thank you!