Offer the same filtering capabilities and Custom Fields within the My Task experience

Preferably, these custom fields would be unique to tasks when viewing from My Tasks or if viewing them outside of My Tasks the fields would be separated/collapsed in some way to show they were not associated directly with the project that the task was being viewed within. This allows My Tasks to be a unique experience while not adding clutter when viewing items from a different contextual lens (the difference between the work that needs to be done in a project vs the work that needs to prioritized by me)

For more details on this justification, please see this Forum Leader tip: 📢 Tip on how to organize your work in a variety of ways (My Tasks Filtering Workaround)


Thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback, @LEGGO! Hopefully this is something our Product team can implement in the near future - I’ll keep you posted with any updates :crossed_fingers:t2:

2 posts were split to a new topic: Add ability to filter within specific sections in My Tasks (For example, Later section))