Merging Two Organizations

We are joining forces with another organization in October. We both already use Asana, which is great for onboarding! However, we do not want to maintain two different Asana Organizations and want to merge the two. We already know which one will be the final org and which one will need to be incorporated.

I’ve also already searched through the forum topics and the potentially most helpful was this one (Smoothest way to merge two organizations?) but it basically says to contact Support.

And here’s my challenge. I appear to no longer be able to contact Support. I get sent to a chatbot that isn’t useful (it just links me to articles that I’ve already searched through on my own), and although it seems to be trying to connect me to a human, it never seems to go through.

So I’m stuck and in great need of connecting with a person who can help me prepare for this merging of organizations.

Has anyone here had any success in merging organizations (and recently getting into contact with a human at Support)? Any information on either would be much appreciated.

@Chasity_Scoggins - re: contacting support, there’s an issue with their new help center deployment that’s made the bot temporarily unhelpful. For now, you can create a ticket using the link to a form in this post: