Merging 2 accounts - failure ""You have entered your current password incorrectly"


I’m trying to merge my 2 existing accounts for some time now - reading all the good advice posted here in the Forum :smile:
I keep running into getting a failure message mentioned in the topic line (see on pic) on both accounts when I try to add the other one. I’ve checked and typed my pswd several times and they work when I try to log in.
Any advice how can I overcome this issue, could it be a bug or just me?


Hi @Zoltan, welcome to the Asana Community Forum! :slight_smile:

When you merge your Asana accounts, you will be asked to verify your identity by re-authenticating your primary Asana account. This means that you will have to re-login with the existing email address in order to add a new one. You need to add the password of the Asana account you are currently logged in, not the password of the account you are merging in to this account.

I hope this helps! If the issue persists, I recommend you to contact our support team so they can investigate the issue further: How to contact our Support Team ✉

Hi @Emily_Roman , thanks for the quick response. Your advice worked! Maybe it is just me, but the description on which password one should type when adding a new email is not entirely clear. Thanks again!

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Thanks for your feedback, @Zoltan! I’ll share it with our product team so we can make the description clearer in the future!