Duplicate account

Hi there,
I somehow have two accounts open, both with the same email address.
I can’t merge them the normal way as they have the same email address.
Any ideas?

Hi @tom16 :wave:t3:

Yes! You can merge them following these steps: Managing your account settings | Product guide • Asana Product Guide

Hope this helps, but let me know if you have any questions!

Hi Marie - it doesn’t work as they are both under the same email address, as in the screenshot.

Hi @tom16 and thanks for your reply!

I can’t seem to see the screenshot you’re referring to. But if you’re stil running into trouble, no worries at all, our support team should be able to manually merge your accounts for you. You can reach out to them following these steps: https://forum.asana.com/t/how-do-i-contact-support/19057/7?u=marie

Yes, I contacted them on Friday. Are they normally this slow?

They’re currently tackling some backlog and generally prioritise Premium and Business customers, but I’m sure they’ll be in touch soon (Be sure not to reply to your own query as it will send it back to the bottom of their queue).

Hope this gets resolved soon, let me know if there is anything else I can help with!