Hello! I have problem as members of my project can see each other only as private users even in the same task they have been assigned. How can I fix it? Any help would be appreciated!
You run into the issue I describe in Who sees whom, a guide to guest visibility with Batman & Robin
They are guests, and guests can’t see each other unless they are added as project members.
Thank you for your response!
The thing is they are already members, who can edit procejt but still see each other as a guests. Can I do somehing more?
If you want you can share screenshots with me privately to show me a task and the project member section.
Perfect! I will send you screenshots as soon as possible. Thanks so much
Bastien, I can’t send you private massage, can you text me pls and I will reolay with screensoot
Thank you and sorry for inconviniences!
@Edyta, I’ve upgraded your access in the forum, you should now be able to message Bastien
Thank you so much
@Marie @Emily_Roman I could not help with the screenshots, you’ll have to take over…
Yes unfortunetaly there is no solution, maybe someobedy has any idea how to fix it?
There is no problem with members, I mean people are members of team already but they can’t see each pother in the task
Thanks for the update @Bastien_Siebman!
@Edyta, sounds like this issue is very specific to your set up and would require for our team to tale a look into your account. Could you please reach out to our support team (How to contact our Support Team ✉) with the following info:
- Email address of two users seeing each other as private
- Screenshots of what these two users are seeing on their end (make sure to include the URL bar so our team can figure out on what task/project this is happening).
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