Meet Asana Intelligence—AI has joined the team 🤖

Hi all,

Thank you for your questions and feedback.

I’ve provided some clarification below via FAQs to help address any confusion:

Q: Which AI features are available in old vs. new pricing tiers?

Old paid tiers (i.e. Premium, Business, Enterprise):

  1. Smart summaries: Get action items and highlights from conversations, tasks, and comments
  2. Smart editor: Write clearer, more compelling responses that strike the right tone
  3. Smart fields: Organize projects with auto-generated custom fields

Note: these do not include any AI usage limits.

New paid tiers (i.e. Starter, Advanced, Enterprise, and Enterprise+):

  1. Smart answers: Get timely answers and insights about projects, identify blockers, and determine next steps
  2. Smart status: Identify blind spots, open questions, and roadblocks with automatic status updates
  3. Smart summaries: Get action items and highlights from conversations, tasks, and comments
  4. Smart editor: Write clearer, more compelling responses that strike the right tone
  5. Smart fields: Organize projects with auto-generated custom fields

Note: these include AI usage limits; however, they will not be enforced for the time being to give Asana’s customers the opportunity to fully benefit from our best-in-class AI capabilities.

Q: The Asana blog post says these AI features will be available in both old and new tiers. Is this true?

Select AI features (i.e. Smart status and Smart answers) are only available in our new pricing tiers. We are working to update how it’s worded in the blog post but please see above for which AI features are available in their respective old vs. new pricing tiers.

Q: Are there usage limits on the new pricing tiers, and how will I know that I’ve reached one?

Yes, there are usage limits for new paid pricing tiers only.

Asana Intelligence limits are determined by the number of AI actions completed per month. Every time AI generates a response, for example, suggests custom fields or summarizes a task, that response counts as an AI action.

For the time being, these limits will not be enforced to give Asana’s customers the opportunity to fully benefit from our best-in-class AI capabilities. To ensure fair usage across our customers, however, we may impose rate limits in cases of significant overuse.

See our Help Center article to learn more about usage limits and what to do when you reach your Subscription limit.

Q: Do I need to migrate to the new tiers now? What if I’m not ready?

No, at this time you can continue on your current Asana tier. Your current Asana experience remains the same, and you can continue on your current tier until your renewal in 2025. If you would like the new AI functionality (i.e. Smart answers and Smart status), please follow the steps outlined by @Shun_Sakurai above.

We understand not all customers are ready to migrate over, which is why we took this approach of offering select AI functionality in both our old and new paid pricing tiers. This way, customers can still get value from Asana Intelligence in their everyday work and when ready, migrate over to get even more value out of our new AI solutions.

We hope this helps clear up any confusion and appreciate your continued feedback as we support our customers with their Asana journey. Thanks!


Thanks @Emily_Roman for the in-depth clarifications! :+1:

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We moved to Enterprise recently; however, I don’t see an AI assist for Goal Status updates? I do see the option for Project status updates.

Greatly appreciate the clarification!

Hi @Alicia_Betsinger1 , welcome to the forum :wave:

Perhaps @Marie can help reply (while Emily is OOO) but I’m fairly certain that Smart Status is only available on status updates for projects, at least for the time being (?).

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@Richard_Sather , appreciate the reply.

Alas, I own a goal that has 6 sub-goals and within those sub-goals there are 20 projects (higher ed goes big :rofl:). Needless to say, I was “dying” for AI to help me synthesize the 20 different project status updates into an overall Goal status update.

If there are any workarounds and suggestions about how to accomplish this without Asana AI, I’m all ears.

And don’t worry, we’ve already realized we need to revamp how we set up goals, sub-goals, and projects next year to avoid this issue.

Sorry @Alicia_Betsinger1 , until AI can help you with that, I’d rely on good ol’ fashioned instincts and insights to write up a status update for your Goals. :sweat_smile:

And definitely, once you revamp your restructure, that should definitely help bring better clarity!

Correct @Richard_Sather but we’re also working on extending it to Portfolios and Goals :zipper_mouth_face:


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