Mark all subtasks complete before allowing tasks to be marked complete

Have noticed that asana allows to complete the task even without completing the subtasks. It should either not allow or ppbly allow with a warning saying if you complete the task the subtask could get auto completed. Since these subtask are not visible but they reflect in incomplete task of when we use search with filter.

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Thank you for sharing your feedback with us @Vinod_Kanted

We already have a thread regarding this topic in the Forum so I’m merging your post with it to consolidate votes. I hope it’s OK!

Thank you again for taking time to reach out in the Forum! Have a great week! :wave:

Sharing my interest in this topic as well.
It definitely would be a big improvement to have this option as a toggle in the user settings.

I do see a use in marking all subtasks done at once when completing the main task, but in my opinion, it doesn’t correspond to a majority of workflows - it should definitely be possible to identify them as mandatory before being allowed to complete the main task.

I wish there was a warning at the very least… In terms and productivity, it’s so easy to complete a task with a lot checkboxes via, say, a keyboard shortcut, without noticing the few boxes left unchecked.


Registering my interest in this.

Would be great to have a warning at least if a task is closed without the sub-tasks being completed.

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This is my number one request for Asana to have. To me, subtasks are simply the parent task broken down to smaller pieces that together complete what the parent task is set to accomplish. Therefore the parent task really isn’t complete unless the child tasks are complete as well.

We also experience the same issue where there are orphaned subtasks floating out there without a parent task because that task was marked complete but not the subtasks. Obviously, this should be an option on the parent task, a little checkbox to indicate ‘dependent on subtasks’ or similar, with indication to the user that the parent task can’t be completed unless the subtasks are completed.

Would love to hear feedback from Asana if this is something that is being considered at all.


Please implement this. Everyone is asking for it. There really is no reason for a task to be completed without at least a warning that subtasks are incomplete.


Really would like to plea for this, too! With Asana’s great feature of Sections, I have been able to create mini-projects out of tasks & subtasks, so this has become a real need.


Any updates Asana?

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@Chris_Smith there is now a solution to do it afterward as a cleanup mechanism

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I need it!

Another vote for this feature. Warn the user if subtasks are not complete before they ca complete a task. Simple.

We are a small business that has grown 130% in the last 6 months. Currently evaluating Asana as a possible project management tool. Honestly do not understand why Asana functions in this way. Has anyone provided an actual answer for why it works this way? Why can tasks be marked as completed if sub tasks are incomplete?

Because subtasks are not always “all the steps required to complete a task”. Sometimes they are just “some of the steps”. Sometimes they are info to keep in mind while doing the task. There are tons of cases, and Asana probably decided todo the least annoying one: not complete automatically. Except for rules, there is never anything happening automatically in Asana.

It’s unfortunate that there is not a way to turn this on or off. For us, our projects are structured in such a way that all sub-tasks need to completed before the parent task can be marked as completed.

I will have to look into the possibility of using a rule to notify users if completed tasks have sub task that are not complete. Another possibility I was looking at was making the project view and comment only which would potentially reduce users from accidentally marking projects as complete.

Thanks for the reply.

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Don’t bother, you can’t. Subtasks are not part of the project so rules don’t apply to them (yet?).

I see that requests for the feature of ensuring all subtasks must be marked as complete before a task is marked complete have been on this thread for 3 years. To me, this seems like a simple fix, with the option to turn on or off this feature. Many people create subtasks as required components of a task so I am wondering if Asana is even paying attention to this page at all.

Nothing is “simple” in the software world. If it was, you’d have dozens of toggles in your profile settings to customize everything, and then every new feature would cost twice because the team has to account for all the specificities. :man_shrugging:

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I vote for this. So easy for tasks to be overlooked

Facing the same issue. A vote from me as well

We would love to have some way to control or require a specific order to completing subtasks. While we can setup whole tasks with dependencies, we’re still unable to enforce a specific completion order in a list of subtasks. Like do subtask A first, then B, then C. We want our team to be unable to complete subsequent subtasks without completing the first one in the list first, then the second, then the third, and so on forth.

The idea is to add a new task type designation, either a “Cascade” or “Waterfall” task, in which all the subtasks of that task must be completed in order from top to bottom. The main task itself cannot be completed until all subtasks are done.

I don’t know if there is already a workaround or this has been requested before, though. Would be nice to have.