Managing Team Workload

Hi All!

We are on a more basic plan that does not include Portfolio/Workload (though I would love to speak with someone at Asana to get a demo of those!).

I’m trying to understand how to manage team workload with the features we have available to us. We have 2 types of projects currently: 1) Maintenance web development, where individual tasks come in to each project, and 2) New website Builds. For the Maintenance projects, we utilize Board columns: New Requests/In Dev/QA/etc. For the New Builds, we just use List because we’ve got a sequence of tasks (if Board columns weren’t automatically aligned with List Sections we could utilize Board here).

I see that my developers can share their My Tasks area with me so I can prioritize their cards in their personal Board view. But I’d like to see all tasks across everyone. My initial idea of a workaround here was to create a project called Dev Team Workload and add that project to every task. What would be ideal is that if a card is moved from one column to the next in a developer’s My Tasks Board, it would do the same in this Workload project board. I assume that’s a rule but I think I only have access to 1 rule on my account. Ideally then I could filter on the board so if I wanted to drill down to an individual, I could (easier than flipping to each My Tasks Board for them). Is filtering possible?

I’d be open to upgrading to get access to features that would support managing Workload in the way described, or if there are tips to be able to do this in a more basic plan, that would be great!

Hello @Melody_M ,

Welcome to the Asana Forum :slight_smile:

As you mention adding each task to a joint project is the only solution I see for a free plan.

The issues I see with this approach are:

  1. Too much manual work
  2. Risk of missing to add tasks with consequent inaccurate workload data

You are creating manual work for you fundamentally.

Depending on how much of a priority this is for you, I would consider upgrading to a plan that gives you Rules and Workload. With the two you can create any workflow that suits your needs.

From the article below you should be able to trial Premium or Business


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Hi Rosario -

Is it possible to meet with someone at Asana for a demo? Would love to ask some specific questions about functionality.

Thank you!


You can try this one I believe:



You could try but I don’t believe they offer demos or interactive sessions for all prospective clients.

They often leave that to Services/Solutions Partners (I’m an Asana Services Partner and can be reached at

and all partners are found at

