Make way for Universal Workload!

Would love to see this come to business tier, for those of us in organizations so large that an enterprise plan isn’t and won’t ever be supported by IT.


Would really appreciate this on the business plan.


Another upvote for Universal Workload for the Business plan! If anything, this seems a lot more like a small business feature.

A large company has a real “marketing team” that they can dump their marketing projects in a portfolio and track their marketing team’s workload. Whereas in small business a person often helps with both the marketing, production, maybe even some finance help etc so a universal workload would be incredibly helpful.


When we talk about private tasks, I think there are 2 aspects :

  • see the details
  • or to see only the associated load without knowing what it is

If we make the parallel with Outlook calendars for example, it is possible to see the availability of people without sharing the details of appointments, and I hope that we can do the same in Workload, because otherwise it is like asking to plan meetings without knowing the availability of people. And so if Worload never shows people’s total load, then it may look like a colleague is available when he or she isn’t at all.

I understand that Workload will not show the details of private tasks and this is logical, but will the duration of these private tasks be taken into account in the load curve?

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100% agree on this. Essentially the “Private” setting in Outlook for a given meeting that hides details but shows blocked out times.

Since enabling this type of functionality would require previously hidden projects/names of said projects to be revealed to those building the workload view since the hidden tasks sit under their project names, I imagine those project names may need to be censored as well somehow to maintain privacy. If the manager then sees these revealed as part of the rollup, however, I wonder if that could create uncomfortable conversations as to what’s on those boards that needs to be hidden from a manager. However, I still feel a manager should still require visibility into where a direct report spends time on things in order to better serve them with say additional support. Without 100% visibility. hard to justify that a direct report needs say additonal FTEs to help with the work.


It would also be very useful to include resource time from “My Tasks” in the workload totals. I have a number of project resources that are also tasked with non-project work. The ability to see the non-project work in the workload would give a tremendous indication of availability.

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Get this on the business plan asap!


I don’t think this will happen…

Since Workload is already a feature within our Business plan, why wouldn’t you include Workload reporting for Business users? This doesn’t make sense.

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This is simply a way to provide more value to Enterprise users…

This is a feature that should be availble on other plans not just Enterprise Plan. I highly suggest changing that.


Echoing the above sentiment. This would be really helpful for small businesses.


Is this new workload feature pulling in parent level tasks only? Or can it also pull in and track subtasks assigned to individuals?

Still only task level so not as useful for many folks yet who do work at the subtask level (like I exclusively do… 90%+ of the time). Heard its coming for subtask level this summer.


I know this topic is purely regarding the Universal Workload feature (for Enterprise). But in regards to the future/upcoming support for Subtasks, will this also be the case for the Portfolio Workload feature (for Business)?

I’d love if the Business version of Portfolio Workload also supported Subtasks, without the necessity of adding them to the same Project that the parent task is already in.

In other words, the Business version of Portfolio Workload should work like this for Subtasks:

  • Project X is in a Portfolio Y
  • Parent Task Z is in Project X (therefore it shows in the Portfolio Y Workload)
  • Parent Task Z has a Subtask (this Subtask should ALSO show in Portfolio Y Workload, without needing to manually add the Subtask itself to Project X).

Hi everyone!

I’m happy to announce we just added full sharing functionality to Universal Workload :tada: Going forward, you will have the ability to invite other users to your Universal Workload view, the same way you would with a dashboard, project, portfolio, etc.

Thanks for taking the time to share all your feedback, we will continue updating this thread when new functionalities are launched!


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Great news! We are adding subtasks to Universal Workload! :tada:

Going forward, subtasks will show up just like any other task. You just need to put effort on the subtasks (e.g. hours), assign them to the appropriate person, and add a date. In the near future, we will also add the ability to filter them in or out if you choose so. Stay tuned for updates in this post! :slight_smile:


I’m excited to announce you will soon be able to access the following filters in universal workload:

  • Task completion status (any / complete / incomplete)
  • Include (organization/team/project/portfolio)
  • Exclude tasks (team/project/portfolio)
  • Task type (approval/milestone)
  • Subtasks (just subtasks, or no subtasks)

We plan to include more filters in the next few months, but hopefully these new filters will help you see more details and focus on specific work!