Make Portfolio List view columns narrower

Hi All,

Some collumns in a much wider than needed. I know there is an option to make a collumn Narrow / Wide, but is there an option to make a collumn even smaller. It is consuming so much white space.

In this case I’m referring to information in a Portfolio overview.


Hi @Niels_Oomen , I’ve moved this thopic to the Product Feedback category so that you and others can vote on it. I also adjusted the topic’s title for better searchability.

There is a similar topic but for columns in the List view of projects, here:

It’s different to yours so we’ll keep them separate.

Hello @Niels_Oomen and @Richard_Sather

I believe this is the same feedback. I went ahead and merged the two topics to get the voting increased. Niels, make sure you scroll to the top and click on vote on the purple vite button.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Full adjustments of column width in project’s List view

Hi @Rashad_Issa , it doesn’t seem you have merged the topics which IMO is good because they are slightly different requests, as I mentioned above.


I did merge them but not sure why that was not actioned properly.
Anyway, it is meant to be :slight_smile: