Make Due date by Asana for Salesforce

When I use Flow and Process Builder in Salesforce, I can’t set due dates for tasks.

If you can provide a Due date field when using flows, I will be able to set the due date of a task, for example, X days after the Close Date.

Thank you for your consideration.

Hi @Hiroshi_Watanabe, thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback!

While this feature isn’t available at this time, hopefully it’s something our Product team can implement in the future.

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if we have any updates :slight_smile:

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Have there been any updates here?

Has this been implemented yet? It’s a big miss for automation…

Hi All,

I’m pushing this one back up. I agree, this is a major miss in the automation between the 2. Any insight into passing the ActivityDate field from Salesforce to the Due Date field on the created Asana task?
