macOS app: Support Universal apps (Apple Silicon / ARM)

Couple of weeks ago new macOS app has been released. Unfortunately, even tho it took years, it’s only Intel version. The app is only web-based app and still doesn’t support universal binary to add support for Apple Silicon (M1) processor.

Is there any plan to soon release Universal binary? I’m pretty sure there is no blocker in dependencies and it’s just up to the development team and priorities now.

Hi @Jakub_Kaspar, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:t2:

Thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback! Hopefully this is something our Product team can implement for the desktop app soon :crossed_fingers:t2: I’ll keep you posted and let you know if we have any updates :slight_smile:


Any updates on this from the Product Team?

+1 here :slight_smile:

This is kind of a funny situation.

Asana, a super app marketed to startups and megacorps alike. It is supposed to lead to the promised land of organized team communication and work delivery.

Its more than a year now since the M1 + Apple Silicon came out.

The Asana app still is not made into a universal binary. I would understand if it was a free thing which was voluntarily maintained by open source developers. Nope. Our company pays many hundred dollars a month for this thing.



Any update to making the Asana app natively support our new M1 Macs?? Thanks all!

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Also looking for a update here. Native Apple Silicone Support Please :pray:

@Rebecca_McGrath Good morning Rebecca! Almost 8 months later, still nothing. Do you have at least ETA, timeline or anything useful?

M1 Silicon support seems to be live!
See the post I just commented on to see my full comment.

Yep. Asana 1.6.0 is now native for Apple Silicon. Finally.

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ProTip: If you were running the Intel version before, it won’t automatically update to the M1 Silicon (Arm) version. You need to re-download it from the Asana website and drag it over to your Applications directory, overriding the existing one. Then re-launch and you’re all set!

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Also, how do we close this ticket, since it is now complete?