Link recurring task to next instance

When a task (TASK B) is created from completing a recurring task (TASK A) the following story appears on the TASK B:

USER duplicated task from TASK A

It would be nice if TASK A would show something like:

USER duplicated task to TASK B

At this time, you can follow a recurring task back in time, but it would be helpful to follow the task forward in time.

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Hi @Benjamin_Ragan and thanks for sharing this feedback with us.

The essence of your feedback is very similar one of our existing thread: Do repeating tasks carryover description and comments? - #6 by Marie. The workaround I’m sharing in this specific post might be useful to you too!

Hope this helps!

Thanks for the feedback. I am not sure the linked post is the same. In the linked post, the discussion is around keeping the comments when the next task in the series is created. I am not asking about prior comments (personally I don’t think the comments should move to the next task).

I am asking for an improvement on following the series timeline. When the next task in the recurring series is created there is a story added to the new task in the series which points to the previous task.


It would be helpful if the previous task in the series had a story item pointing to the next task in the series. Here is an example of what would appear on the previous task in the series:

Benjamin Ragan duplicate task to Test Task.

Test Task in this story would be a link to the next task in the series.

If you can follow the series forward and backwards via links in the stories, then the need to copy comments forward would not be needed.


Got you! Thank you so much for the additional information!

Let’s say we have a Task A and then we create a duplicate from it called B. Currently it is possible to navigate from B to it’s predecessor A through a link created automatically in B.

It would be great to also have a link in A that navigates to it’s successor B. When duplicating manually, this is easy enough through the confirmation pop-up that appears. However, there is no way to navigate to the duplicate in the following scenarios:

  1. When the duplication is automatic (for example in the case of recurrent tasks)

  2. At a later date when viewing Task A


Hi @Alex_Githatu and thanks for sharing this feedback with us! I agree that this would be a greta improvement! I often find myself using the Advanced Search to find tasks I previously duplicated, which works fine when I keep the same title, but your solution would make it a lot easier.

Out of curiosity, when clicking on the hyperlink to access your duplicates, would you prefer to have them open in a new tab, or would you rather stay in the same tab?

Ps: I’ve slightly edited the title of your thread to make it more discoverable to other community folks :slight_smile:

Hi @Marie,

Thanks for the response. My thinking is this: Since the purpose of the link is to navigate down the chain of duplicates, it would work much better if it opens in the same tab. Getting back to the previous task would simply be a matter of clicking the currently available link to parent task.

re: Thread title - I struggled with the best wording for this for discoverability. Thanks for stepping in to improve it. :+1:

@Marie: I think this is related to Link recurring task to next instance - #3 by Benjamin_Ragan.

Is it possible to merge these request?

All done @Benjamin_Ragan :+1:t3: Thanks for spotting this existing thread!

When you duplicate a task, you have the option to include a link back to the parent task in the new task.

However, there is no link from the parent task going to the duplicate in the Activity Log.

It would be really useful to have this, as then it would indicate that certain actions had been taken. I just went ahead and performed some actions on a task (moving it to an FAQ project) before realising another team member had already essentially done the same thing by duplicating the task.

I do see this post asking for the same thing a few years ago, See a link to my duplicated task from their parent task history but it has been closed.

Hi @Sarah_L, thanks for sharing your feedback! The thread you’ve mentioned has not been completely closed, but merged into an existing feedback request for the same feature.

I’ll merge your topic too, if you don’t mind, so that we can keep all similar requests in a single thread. Don’t forget to add your vote to the main thread :slight_smile:

Thanks Vanessa. I wouldn’t have thought from the title of the post this was merged into that was the same thing, although I guess behind the scenes it is only a difference between Asana carrying out the duplication vs the user using a one-off “Duplicate Task” actions.

I wonder if the subject of the thread can be reworded to make clearer it covers both?