Last Activity Date (or Last Login)

In the Asana dashboard there is a field called “Last Activity” for each user. The hover over defines this as “the last time the member engaged with Asana via web, mobile or email”.

The information exposed about a user in the API however is much more limited.

This would be really useful information to pull directly – either that, or a last login date, as we’re looking to find users who are not actively engaging with Asana in order to get them to engage, or terminate their accounts.

Is this something that could be added to the API?



Hi @Richard_Kirby, thanks for the feedback. I agree this would be helpful. We’re looking into the feasibility of exposing more details about user activity in the API. We will post in the Platform News section of the forum if are able to add this feature.


Hello @Jeff_Schneider ,

Is there any update on this functionality of exposing the Last Activity date via Asana API?
We are implementing something similar in house and this is much needed one.

Hi @Jeff_Schneider ,

As there has been no news fitting this in the Platform News, is there any update on getting the last activity data via the Asana API?

This is a much needed feature for integrating and automating reports.

Hi @Max_Ihnenfeld and @anon27974317 – this is still not on the API roadmap. However, this need is captured on our list of API feature requests.

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Exposing last login or last activity via Asana API would also be very appreciated from our side. Do you have any updates on the status? Could we do something to increase priority of this request?


@Marcin_Wrzos thank you for the feedback. I will escalate this request to our API team. Can you share a bit more about your use case? Having examples of why this data is valuable can help with feature prioritization.

While it’s not the same as programmatic access via the API, last activity is is available in the admin console and can be exported as a CSV.


Any update on this feature request? We are working on automating usage audits and we need to get the “Last Activity” via API to do so

Yes, I agree! I hope they update thie soon…