iOS Callback not occurring


I’m new to the Asana API. I’m trying to follow the OAuth Authorize steps in the documentation. In my developer console, I’ve checked the box for “This is a native app”. This automatically locks the callback URL to “urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob”.

I use the provided (and static) “authorization code grant” URL. When my app opens it, it launches the browser where the user can authenticate. URL is of format:
Log in - Asana<CLIENT_ID>&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&state=<STATE_PARAM>

After successful authentication, instead of redirecting back to my app, I’m seeing the following in the mobile browser:
“Please copy this code, switch to your application, and paste it there:

There is nothing in your documentation to say how to correct this, and while I’ve added the static callback the dev console enforces (“urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob”), to my app’s supported URL types, this behavior seems to me less of a callback issue and more of an issue with how the process is working on your end.

Are there any iOS developers here that can help me out? Thanks.

Got the same issue. Wonder if it because there doesn’t seem to be any scheme for Asana that you can set in Xcode, in the same way as you would for e.g. Facebook (fb://feed).

Anyone got it working?

Found this: What is OOB in OAuth? - Stack Overflow

Explains why there’s no redirect. =)

Excellent find. Thank you!