Include Sections and dependencies to CSV Export

I have te same problem here.
And when the task have subtasks its worst!
The subtask dont get the same section and get lost on the file.
@Marie can we do something?
Can we have the same view as before?

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Hi @Gabriela_Higa You can still create sections when importing, please refer to the first Section (“Before you get started: tips to organize the data in your spreadsheet”) of this guide article: Asana CSV Importer • Asana Product Guide

@Leticia_Ghisio, here is how to import Subtasks: Asana CSV Importer • Asana Product Guide as long a you associate them to the correct task, they should automatically be populated in the Correct Section.

If you continue running into trouble, please reach out to our Support team with screenshots of what you’re seeing, and if possible share your CSB file, that will help them reproduce your issue and help you find a solution.

Hope this helps!

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Hi all, since dependencies and subtasks are now available when importing a CSV in Asana, I’ve slightly edited the title of this thread. Thank you all for your support!


Thanks @Marie but before the subtask where on horizontal way, and it was better to order and visualize the list.

Now the subtasks are on a column and everything gets almost the same.

I used to export to to reunions descriptions, on this way it gets everything confused…

Is there a way to get the same visualization as before? (pleeeeeeeeaaasssseeeee) :slight_smile:

Any update on the dependency CSV export ?

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I don’t @ch.brandli but I’ve just escalated a task to our team to reiterate how how much our community has requested this feature

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Hi @Marie - can you specify if the dependencies were added to the export module? If not, can we expect that soon? Thanks.

Jus tried to export out a plan to import into another plan and this still doesn’t exist unfortunately. I see sections are now but no dependencies. Unfortunate.

Now the question is : “WHEN can the feature be implemented ?”
If one can’t import or export the dependancies, then the product is simply useless.
ANY DATE with the CSV import and export for dependancies implemented ?

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I exported my project into a .csv file but only to notice that some important fields I needed were missing - example: there was no dependencies field there which I need to check which task is being blocked and by which task.
Any leads on how to include dependencies in the .csv file would be really helpful.


Hi @Piyush_Sharma, welcome to the Asana Community Forum! :wave:t2:

Thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback :slight_smile: We do already have an existing thread on this feature request in the Forum so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing one to consolidate feedback :slight_smile:

I’ll loop back in on this thread should we have any updates!

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@Rebecca_McGrath Can you link to the other thread on the feature for dependencies in export?

I have merged your post with the main thread :slight_smile: Include Sections and dependencies to CSV Export - #32 by Rebecca_McGrath

Do we have any update regarding this thread?
It seems the section column is now existing and dependencies as well, but dependency doesn’t contain anything.
We use extensively dependencies and losing them in translation is frustrating as we save time with the CSV but losing a lot of time for dependencies again.

Any news on this one?

Really sad that dependency export to CSV feature hasn’t been delivered in the last 3 years its been requested. Is this on the roadmap?

Hi all, and thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

I’m happy to share that CSV exports now support dependencies. Going forward, your CSV files will include two new columns: Blocked By (Dependencies) and Blocking (Dependencies).

As you can see in the screenshot above, Sections are also included in the CSV export, so I’m marking this product feedback topic as resolved. Let us know if you have any questions :slightly_smiling_face:

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