Improve side to side panning within a task board when dragging a task

I have many columns within my task board and I move around tasks all the time. At least on the Mac native app, it’s quite difficult to easily move a task from say one end of my board to the other, I have to drag the task to the end of the screen and hope that it triggers the view to move over so I can see the next columns. This action can also trigger my MacOS switching desktop windows entirely, and overall its quite frustrating there’s no easy way to pan over while dragging a task. I’d like to be able to easily and consistently drag tasks across a board

Note: Not a solution but marked as such to elevate a key reply

Hi @Siyan , welcome to the forum :wave:

Until if/when the Asana team improve on your request, you could click into a task, and in the task details pane, the ‘Projects’ field will show the project(s) that your task is in, followed by the section it is in. You can click the section to find a dropdown of all the sections within your board and to choose which section you want to move your task to.

This may take a few extra clicks but you may find it far more ‘precise’ than clicking and dragging tasks across multiple columns of your boards.


I see thanks, only issue with this for my usecase is I don’t have any projects setup, I just use the “My Tasks” section for everything, so I’m not able to sort that way

@Siyan, In that case, the My Tasks section dropdown menu is next to your picture in the Assignee field:

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