Import Goals Status from CSV / Spreadsheet

Hi, is it possible to important the Goal progress via a csv file or anything else?

Use Case: 10 different goals are about to achive X amount of revenue (e.g. different departments or whatever).
Now i would like to import the progress of this via csv or even some kind of connection where asana automatically pulls the data each day / week /month

Is this possible?



Hi @anon39953351, welcome to the Asana Community Forum!

As it stands, it’s currently not possible to import Goals progress via CSV. I’ve gone ahead and moved your thread to the #productfeedback category to allow other members to vote for this feature :slight_smile:

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I am trying to introduce asana more broadly in my company. We just published a 4-page document of business goals that I would like to start tracking in asana. I was able to get them into CSV and nicely import into a project but found the Goals module and now have to hand enter them there.

even a less-direct implementation of CSV->task and then ability to promote tasks to goals would be better than current.