I need help deleting teams and organizations but can't access the help subdomain

I want to delete all organizations and teams in my account. It won’t let me delete the org without removing members and team. I read the docs and the dropdown next to the org name doesn’t appear, so I can’t delete it. There’s a red dot next to the one that doesn’t have a dropdown.

I sent in a support ticket. No one replied, but I got a link to a survey to evaluate the quality of support. (There was no response.)

I’m the owner of the org and team. I don’t want to remove team members one by one because I don’t want Asana to send any notifications — I just want everything permanently deleted.

I can’t access the help subdomain, because it gets stuck on the screen below (maybe a Salesforce auth bug). I saw this post that mentions an authentication issue and temporary support form, but the post is from 2020 and the alternate support form doesn’t load.

Can someone contact me to fix this problem? I don’t know why it’s so difficult to delete things. I will never use Asana for anything after this.

To contact Asana Support while they work through fixing the Help Center issue, please follow the instructions in this post: