How to Customize and Simplify Task Indicators in Calendar View?

Hello, I am Federico, the owner of an Italian web agency. I am implementing Asana into my workflows for the Social Media Management area.

I would like to share the content calendar with my clients, so I have set up the “calendar” view in a way that is most useful to me and shared a link.

However, in this view, I see that each task has small squares above it based on the project it is in or based on custom fields. I would like to hide those squares and use them with only one custom field, which is a multi-select field indicating on which platforms we will publish that content, but I can’t seem to find a solution for this anywhere.

Any advice on this?

Thank you!

Hi @Federico_Sunzini , welcome to the forum :wave:

The Calendar view does not support this unfortunately - colours are indeed based on custom fields and colour of project icons, almost randomly - or at least with some logic I cannot decipher!

Regardless, on order to achieve what you need, I would recommend using the Timeline or Gantt views instead. There, you can set a Single-select field for the colour of your tasks (look for the ‘Colour’ button in the top right area).

Note that a Multi-select is not supported, simply because Asana would not know which colour of a multi-select fields’s option it would have to apply, so that ‘limitation’ makes sense.

PS: I’ve moved your post into the Tips and Tricks where another +600k forum users may benefit from reading this :wink: