How to access Google Drive root folder in Asana?


I’ve already integrated my Google Drive in Asana, however, I am only seeing the files instead of the folders or even the root folder of my Google Drive as seen below:


Is this even possible? Thanks!

Hi @Editha_Payas
As per my understanding Asana shows only the files and not the folders on your Google Drive.

Hi @Editha_Payas and welcome to the community :wave:

If I’m not mistaken, the field created in the task for Google Drive files (not folders) is referring to files like Google Docs, Sheet etc. and not any file in your Drive.

For attaching any file from your Drive you can always use the attach button:

You can also refer to this link for more information: Google Drive + Asana • Asana

Hope this was helpful! :blush::sparkles: